GSO Test

Inspiring all children to create & achieve

Remote Learning

Remote Learning would be provided in circumstances where the school is closed or restrictions are placed on attendance, for example if the building is deemed unsuitable as a result of RAAC, boiler malfunction etc. Or in limited cases where a child is unable to attend for a short period of time eg when recovering from an operation and being in school would be detrimental to recovery.


Remote Learning will not be provided for families who take authorised or unauthorised term time holidays.


The first couple of days of remote learning may not cover all elements of the curriculum that would have been taught in school as arrangements are put in place to provide learning more closely aligned to the school curriculum.

For subsequent periods of Remote Learning, teachers will provide a mixture of 'live lessons' and learning opportunities that reflects the school's broad curriculum offer and is broadly in line with the length of time children partake in lessons in school. 'Live lessons' may not always be taught by the class teacher and could include online lessons.

Work is expected to be high quality and returned to the class teacher electronically.

Teachers will be available during the school day to interact with children and answer questions.


The school will survey families to determine who is unable to access Remote Learning as a result of a lack of technology and will work to overcome this barrier.

Latest Notices

Plastic Pirates! 


Our middle phase really pulled it out of the bag with incredible performances for the school and their families.