Middle Phase
At Earls Colne Primary School and Nursery, the middle phase consists of Years 3 and 4.
There are two classes in each year group.
Our two Year 3 classes are: 3W taught by Mrs Williams and 3H taught by Miss Henriksen. In Year 4, Miss Clarke teaches in 4C and 4M are taught by Miss Marson.
All four classes are supported by our LSAs- Mrs Ellison, Mrs Sherfield, Mrs McCracken and Mrs Pudney- every morning and some afternoons.
Home Learning
Children are expected to read at home and discuss the text with a parent at least five times a week. Each term a reading challenge is set and the children who successfully complete this are rewarded at the end of term. The reading challenge can vary.
It is important that the children practise their times tables (up to 12x12) and the inverse division facts as this knowledge is used in all other aspects of maths. The Government's expectation is that all children (by the end of Year 4) can recall all times tables facts within 6 seconds.
Maths and English is given out weekly.
In Year 3 it is given out on Friday and needs to be returned by the following Wednesday.
Year 4 Nurture